We are the Cardano Community in Mexico, we are committed to the development and adoption of blockchain technology in Mexico. Our community is formed by blockchain enthusiasts, developers, academics and professionals who collaborate to promote the knowledge and adoption of decentralized solutions.

Become a leading blockchain community in Mexico, promoting innovation and adoption of Cardano for decentralized applications and solutions that benefit society.
Promote the adoption of Cardano in Mexico through education, collaboration and innovative projects in different institutions.
Originally from Mexico, has been part of the Cardano ecosystem for more than two years. He has collaborated with universities in Mexico in the creation of educational content, organized a blockchain Masterclass at UNAM, and represented the Cardano Latam Community in events such as the Cardano Summit 2022 and the “Cardano Days” in Guadalajara. He has played a key role in organizing CIP-1694 workshops in Mexico, Uruguay, and Edinburgh, co-authoring the Latin American regional conclusions document. Recently, he organized the DReps community workshop in Mexico City, strengthening the Cardano community in the region.


Originally from Tlaxcala, Mexico, he has been involved in Cardano for the last year. Co-organizer of the CIP-1694 workshop at the Polytechnic University of Tlaxcala, he has represented the Cardano Latam Community at the “Cardano Days” in Guadalajara. He collaborated in the organization of CIP-1694 workshops in Mexico and the Pan-Latin American workshop in Uruguay. He has been co-organizer of Cardano masterclasses in universities in Mexico focused on promoting the development of students in innovation and entrepreneurship. He is co-author of the Latin American regional conclusions document that was presented at the final workshop in Edinburgh.
Originally from Tlaxcala, Mexico, Erick Valadez holds a law degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (UATx). After graduation, he worked at the Administrative Secretariat of the UATx in the Human Resources Division (2017-2019). He is a co-founding member of the Instituto de Enseñanza e Investigación Nuevo Milenio, an educational institution that professionalizes economic sectors in Mexico, supported by the Universidad Tecnológica de Tlaxcala (UTT).
He has co-organized Cardano masterclasses in universities in Mexico, promoting the development of students in innovation and entrepreneurship. He also actively participates in the Blockchain community, attending conferences and hackathons of the Crypto Puebla community. As a member of the Cardano Mexico community, he had the opportunity to receive the Founder of the Cardano Europe Community.


As an entrepreneur in the crypto sector and co-founder of Metera Protocol, he strongly believes that the future of our generation lies in using technology, business ideas and knowledge, along with enthusiasm, to impact the lives of those around us, the environment and the world. Currently, she is CEO of Metera Protocol, a platform in the Cardano ecosystem that allows users to create and invest in tokenized portfolios.